Baby Food and Drink

Baby Food and Formula Market Research

Mintel’s Baby Food and Formula market research combines the latest market intelligence, industry insights and expert recommendations to help you anticipate what’s next in the Baby Food and Formula industry.

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    Baby Food - South Korea by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2024. This comprises packaged dry and liquid products designed specifically for babies/infants. It includes: baby formula and growing up milk; other drinks, biscuits/rusks/snacks; cereals; fruit & vegetables; foods and..."
    Baby Food - UK by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This comprises packaged dry and liquid products designed specifically for babies/infants. It includes: baby formula and growing up milk; other drinks, biscuits/rusks/snacks; cereals; fruit & vegetables; foods and other..."
    Baby Food - China by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This comprises packaged dry and liquid products designed specifically for babies/infants. It includes: baby formula and growing up milk; other drinks, biscuits/rusks/snacks; cereals; fruit & vegetables; foods and other..."
    Recent patent activity focuses on the use of HMOs, allergen-free formulas, and ingredients that support gut health and sleep issues in infants. Neha Srivastava, Senior Patent Analyst - Food & Drink and Beauty & Personal Care ..."
    Baby Food - Brazil by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This comprises packaged dry and liquid products designed specifically for babies/infants. It includes: baby formula and growing up milk; other drinks, biscuits/rusks/snacks; cereals; fruit & vegetables; foods and other..."
    Innovation is the new criterion to decide which players can maintain and improve their 'fighting strength' in the baby nutrition market, and brands need to consider technological elements to convince parents to purchase. Catherine Liu, Principal Analyst, Health and Wellbeing, China ..."
    Baby milk and food launches have seen a resurgence of clean label innovation, as plant-based and organic claims gain share of activity.Mikolaj Kaczorowski, Innovation Analyst ..."
    Development in health and food safety continues to be important. Nutrition that supports age-appropriate growth and easy solutions to homemade food will thrive. Jolene Ng, Senior Food and Drink Analyst ..."
    Baby Food - Germany by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This comprises packaged dry and liquid products designed specifically for babies/infants. It includes: baby formula and growing up milk; other drinks, biscuits/rusks/snacks; cereals; fruit & vegetables; foods and other..."
    Baby Food - South Korea by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This comprises packaged dry and liquid products designed specifically for babies/infants. It includes: baby formula and growing up milk; other drinks, biscuits/rusks/snacks; cereals; fruit & vegetables; foods and..."
    Baby Food - Japan by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This comprises packaged dry and liquid products designed specifically for babies/infants. It includes: baby formula and growing up milk; other drinks, biscuits/rusks/snacks; cereals; fruit & vegetables; foods and other..."
    "Ongoing pressure on household incomes over 2023-24 will continue to erode volume sales of manufactured baby food by favouring scratch cooking. Promoting their products as components in home-cooked meals, offering recipes and further NPD in short-cut cooking products should allow brands to tap into the home-cooking trend and to drive..."