Beschreibung des Reports

Die Einstellung der Verbraucher:innen gegenüber digitalen Technologien ist gespalten (z. B. Datenschutz, Einfluss von KI auf die Gesellschaft). Marken, die einen ausgewogenen Ansatz vertreten (z. B. Offline-Alternativen) und digitale Inklusion fördern, werden die Verbraucher:innen überzeugen.

Dr. Jennifer Hendricks, Senior Analyst – Consumer Lifestyles, Germany

Was umfasst der Report?

    • Key issues covered in this Report

    • Market context
    • Opportunities

    • The German economy
    • Graph 1: key economic data, in real terms, 2019-25
    • Graph 2: financial confidence index, 2022 – 23
    • Digital infrastructure
    • Use of digital technologies
    • Graph 3: internet usage, by age, 2009-23
    • Graph 4: daily online media consumption* (in mins), by age group, 2019-23
    • Graph 5: social media platforms used in the last three months (top four), by age group, 2023
    • Cyber security
    • Graph 6: recorded and solved cases of cybercrime (in total, based on new recording modalities/including foreign offenses), 2020-22
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Graph 7: number of AI publications and patent filings, in thousands, 2010-21
    • Graph 8: Google searches for the topic 'Künstliche Intelligenz' (Artificial Intelligence), 2022-23

    • Activities that consumers do online
    • Graph 9: frequency of online activities in the last three months, 2023
    • Graph 10: number of activities done online at least once a week in the last three months, by gender and age, 2023
    • Graph 11: consumers who purchase products/services online at least once a week, by lifestage by age, 2023
    • Graph 12: consumers who have done selected activities online at least once a week in the last three months, by age, 2023
    • Preferred security methods for identity confirmation
    • Graph 13: security methods consumers are comfortable using to confirm their identity online, 2023
    • Graph 14: security methods consumers are comfortable using to confirm their identity online (NET), 2023
    • Graph 15: consumers who are most comfortable using fingerprint and facial ID to confirm identity online, by age, 2023
    • Digital behaviours
    • Graph 16: digital behaviours of consumers, 2023
    • Graph 17: consumers who believe that generative AI will make their lives easier, by having children, 2023
    • Graph 18: consumers who are concerned about the long-term impact of their digital habits on their mental health, by age, 2023
    • Attitudes towards digitalisation and brand responsibilities
    • Graph 19: attitudes towards digitalisation and brand responsibilities, 2023
    • Graph 20: consumers who agree that the pace of digitalisation is leaving many people behind, by age, 2023
    • Graph 21: consumers who agree that digitalisation has a positive impact on the environment, by generation, 2023

    • Appendix – products covered, abbreviations, consumer research methodology and language usage

Über den Report

Dieser Marktbericht bietet eingehende Analysen und Einblicke, die sich auf eine Reihe von Daten stützen. Gleichzeitig werden einführende und fortgeschrittene Inhalte bereitgestellt, um Ihnen einen Überblick über die behandelten Themen zu geben.

Die Konsument*innen

Was sie wollen. Warum sie es wollen.

Die Konkurent*innen

Wer liegt vorne. Wie gelingt es an der Spitze zu bleiben.

Der Markt

Größe, Segmentierung, Anteile und Prognosen: Wie sich alles zusammenfügt.

Die Innovationen

Neue Ideen. Neue Produkte. Neues Potenzial.

Die Möglichkeiten

Wo besteht noch ungenutzter Raum. Wie können Sie ihn sich zu Eigen machen.

Die Trends

Was formt die Nachfrage – heute und in Zukunft.

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