KI verändert die Erwartungen der Verbraucher:innen wenn sie nach Informationen, sodass Marken und Unternehmen ihre Sichtbarkeit durch Hyper-Personalisierung und detaillierte Online-Darstellungen gewährleisten müssen.
Lena Rittmann – Analyst
- The five year outlook for the online search market
- Market context
- AI is transforming online search and shifting expectations
- Advances in technology are transforming mobile shopping and search
- Graph 1: consumers who shopped online via smartphone, by age*, 2024
- Opportunities
- Brands must move beyond tracking-based advertising
- Cater to 16-34s with comprehensive search options
- Support community exchange to appeal to 16-34s
- Younger Germans drive the combination of voice and visual search
- The German economy
- Financial concerns continue to shape consumers' cautious buying behaviour
- AI drives innovation and growth in the online search market
- All age groups are becoming more familiar with gen AI
- Personal and flexible: AI shapes expectations on how we search online
- Technological advances enhance mobile shopping experiences
- Mobile shopping strikes a chord with Germans
- Graph 2: consumers who shopped online via smartphone, by age*, 2024
- Smartphones are evolving with smart search features
- Fewer third-party cookies complicate online targeting for brands
- AI and social search gain greater importance in a cookie-less online world
- EU regulations impact development of online services in Germany
- EU challenges tech companies but can drive consumer trust in digital services
- How the EU regulates the evolving tech landscape
Market context
- Traditional search engines are ubiquitous, but evolve with AI trends
- Google remains by far the most popular search engine
- Graph 3: search engines used in the last three months, 2024
- Gen Z is least likely to exclusively use Google as a search engine
- Graph 4: consumers who only used Google as a search engine in the last three months, by age, 2024
- Wide reach makes social media platforms significant players in online search
- Graph 5: social media platforms used in the last three months, 2024
- Instagram is most popular with Gen Z, while Facebook remains important for reach
- Graph 6: social media platforms used in the last three months, by age, 2024
- Regulatory and technological advances likely to drive social search
- AI chatbots set to become a daily presence in consumers' lives
- Younger consumers are embracing AI
- Graph 7: use of AI chatbots in the last three months, by age, 2024
- Starting points of online search
- Germans have online search options, yet search engines remain the primary choice
- Younger Germans leverage the breadth of online search possibilities
- Graph 8: type of online platform consumers go to first when searching for information, NET, by age, 2024
- Human-centric content gives social media an edge as a key search platform for young consumers
- Tap into the potential of platforms with a particularly young consumer base
- Graph 9: consumers going to any social media platform first when searching for information on any topic examined, by platform usage, 2024
- Enthusiasm and higher trust in AI results drive chatbot adoption among 16-34s
- Adapt online presence to be found by in-depth AI search queries
- Category search online
- Searches for clothing and news are more likely on relevant websites compared to other categories
- Graph 10: type of online platforms consumers go to first when searching for information on the following, 2024
- Expand on-website search options to allow multimodal search
- Young women use social media more than search engines for beauty and health info
- Use of search engine features
- Location based searches poised to gain more traction with rise in mobile shopping and search
- Provide comprehensive in-store details online to capture location-based searches
- Adapt to image search behaviour with visual optimisation
- Younger Germans drive the combination of voice and visual search
- Show dedication to safety to enhance consumer confidence while browsing
- Disruptions in online search
- Personalised adverts are the greatest annoyance when searching online
- The contradictory effects of personalised ads
- AI-generated summaries can appeal to young consumers seeking unbiased news
- Behaviours regarding online search
- Data privacy influences consumers' expectations for online search platforms
- Graph 11: behaviours regarding online search, 2024
- AI needs to overcome reliability concerns to unleash its full search potential
- Graph 12: whether consumers trust search results from AI chatbots, 2024
- 16-34s' anonymous browsing habits underpin the need to turn away from external data personalisation
- Graph 13: consumers who often use private/incognito mode to hide their search history, by age, 2024
- Despite privacy concerns, private browsers and search engines remain unpopular
- Leverage community exchange to appeal to 16-34s
- 16-34s boost online research, seeking more neutrality and proof
- Simplify the overview of various testimonials
- Google integrates gen AI into search
- OpenAI rivals Google with SearchGPT
- Google combines video and voice search with the help of AI
- Apple Intelligence will turn devices into intelligent personal assistants
- AI assistants turn online search into more interactive experiences
- Appendix – products covered, abbreviations, consumer research methodology and language usage
- Products covered in this Report
- Abbreviations
- Consumer research methodology
- A note on language
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