Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers Market Research

Baby Boomers are the generation born between 1946 and 1964. Utilise Mintel’s Baby Boomer research reports to inform product development, brand positioning and craft relatable messaging that resonates with Baby Boomer consumers’ unique preferences.

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    Baby Boomers age 60-78 in 2024 and number an estimated 68 million in the US. While waning in their cultural cachet, they still hold great political and economic sway through their accumulated wealth and influence. As they complete their transition into retirement and draw upon these resources, many will seek..."
    Maintaining quality of life now and into the future is the priority Baby Boomers. Financial stability makes them a more a discerning, though loyal, segment. Carol Wong-Li, Director - Consumers & Culture ..."
    The Baby Boomer generation may not have the market influence it once did, but its size and financial flexibility makes it a group that cannot be overlooked. Scott Stewart, Associate Director, Lifestyles & Retail ..."
    “Baby Boomers are more savvy online shoppers than they feel they are given credit for. Despite not being digital natives, they have adapted to shopping online, in many ways because the pandemic forced them to. While they have returned to shopping in-stores, three quarters of this generation still shops online..."
    “Baby Boomers account for one in five Americans and more than half the country’s wealth. While they have trailed younger generations in adopting new technology and digital services, the pandemic served as a catalyst for many tech holdouts and they are quickly expanding their digital behaviors. Their size, wealth and..."
    “Baby Boomers who are faced with looming age-related health concerns have started to redefine what a healthy lifestyle looks like, paying more attention to a broader scope of health concerns beyond physical aches and pains. As many Baby Boomers have adopted the idea of aging in place, they have begun..."