
Suncare Market Research

Mintel’s Suncare market research combines the latest market intelligence, industry insights and expert recommendations to help you anticipate what’s next in the Suncare industry.

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    Sun Care - Germany by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2025. This market covers sunscreen, self-tanning and after..."

    £ 2,195 (Excl.Tax)

    The use of suncare products has experienced a slight increase compared to last year and sits at 78% of Germans. Most commonly, consumers..."

    £ 2,195 (Excl.Tax)

    In the 12 months to September 2023, 31% of UK adults used makeup or skincare with SPF, but this fell to 27% in..."
    This report examines the suncare landscape in India, highlighting a significant shift in recent years due to heightened consumer awareness and demand for innovative products. Despite this increased..."
    Recent sunscreen patents prioritise safer UV-filter alternatives, formulations for sensitive skin, improved water resistance and enhanced aesthetics.Neha Srivastava, Senior Patent Analyst - Food & Drink and Beauty &..."
    Sun Care - Indonesia by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2024. This market covers sunscreen, self-tanning and after..."
    Sun Care - Brazil by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2024. This market covers sunscreen, self-tanning and after..."
    Sun Care - Spain by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2024. This market covers sunscreen, self-tanning and after..."
    Sun Care - Germany by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2024. This market covers sunscreen, self-tanning and after..."

    £ 2,195 (Excl.Tax)

    Intensify sun safety messaging, elaborate on sensory benefits and applications and foster sustainability dialogues for a holistic approach to sunscreen. KinShen Chan, Principal Analyst, Beauty Personal Care (South..."
    NPD can better allay concerns over the safety of sunscreen ingredients, target acne-prone or ageing skin, and look beyond lotion/cream formats. Shiyan Zering, Beauty and Personal Care Analyst ..."
    Sun Care - Mexico by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2024. This market covers sunscreen, self-tanning and after..."