Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements

Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements Market Research

Mintel’s Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements market research combines the latest market intelligence, industry insights and expert recommendations to help you anticipate what’s next in the Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements industry.

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    Recent patent filings indicate that ingestible ingredients like probiotics, collagen-promoting ingredients and botanicals may disrupt anti-ageing skincare. Neha Srivastava, Senior Patent Analyst - Food & Drink and Beauty & Personal Care ..."
    Vitamins & Minerals - Brazil by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2024. This market covers single/dual, multi-vitamins and minerals. Combinations with supplements where vitamins and/or minerals form a main selling point are also included, but excluded are those supplements where..."
    Vitamins & Minerals - US by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This market covers single/dual, multi-vitamins and minerals. Combinations with supplements where vitamins and/or minerals form a main selling point are also included, but excluded are those supplements where..."
    Vitamins & Minerals - Germany by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This market covers single/dual, multi-vitamins and minerals. Combinations with supplements where vitamins and/or minerals form a main selling point are also included, but excluded are those supplements where..."
    Brands that strategically communicate foundational support for healthy living and scientific efficacy backed by credible partnerships and compliance will be best positioned to capture consumer demand amidst market fluctuations.Rika Huang, Senior Research Analyst, Food and Drink, Foodservice, China ..."
    Capitalize on consumer interest in immunity support and ingestible beauty with topical skincare claims inspired by top vitamins, minerals and supplements. Anna Keller, Global Senior Beauty Analyst ..."
    The cost of living crisis reinforces the importance of quality, calling for brands to align multifunctionality with holistic health, natural formulas for purity, or high bioavailability for efficacy. Hannah Sandow, Senior Analyst - Health & Wellbeing, Germany ..."
    Boost usage of VMS by positioning products that support healthy ageing and mental wellbeing. Offer enhanced/easy absorption to showcase efficacy.Anamika Banerji, Research Analyst - Food and Drink, India ..."
    Inflation has driven value sales amid economic pressures. Helping consumers to identify the right VMS for them holds potential to support sales when incomes rebound. Claire Finnegan, Food & Drink Analyst ..."
    Vitamins & Minerals - South Korea by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This market covers single/dual, multi-vitamins and minerals. Combinations with supplements where vitamins and/or minerals form a main selling point are also included, but excluded are those supplements..."
    As the impact of pandemic starts to wane, daily VMS product usage is seeing a decline, prompting brands to re-evaluate their formulation and communication strategies Pimwadee Aguilar, Associate Director Food & Drink - Thai Consumer ..."
    Self-empowerment underpins VMS, from use to discovery. Brands can enhance empowerment perceptions via education and offerings that expand sense of personal choice. Adriana Chychula, Analyst - Food, Drink & Nutrition ..."