
Aircare Market Research

Mintel’s Aircare market research combines the latest market intelligence, industry insights and expert recommendations to help you anticipate what’s next in the Aircare industry.

Our reports can help you:

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    Air Fresheners - US by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2024. This market covers aerosols, slow release, plug..."

    £ 3,695 (Excl.Tax)

    Growth is flat, dragged down by the consumers' economizing behavior in this highly discretionary category. Of particular concern is the candle sector, which accounts for 57.4% of 2023..."
    Air Fresheners - US by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This market covers aerosols, slow release, plug..."

    £ 3,695 (Excl.Tax)

    “Though the category continues to enjoy relatively high incidence of use, as consumers continue to cut back on spending, discretionary products like aircare will be challenged to prove..."
    “Following the onset of the pandemic, the air treatment market benefited from heightened consumer focus on health and safety and the invisible threats that may lurk in the..."
    Air Fresheners in US by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2022. This market covers aerosols, slow release, plug..."

    £ 3,695 (Excl.Tax)

    “Following 2020’s accelerated growth brought on by the pandemic, 2021 category sales were tempered yet still in the double-digits, reflecting both the lingering nature of the pandemic’s impact..."