Report Summary
Facial Care in China by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2022. This market covers anti-ageing, skin whiteners/lighteners, hydrating/moisturising, cleansers/toners, masks and specialised facial skin care products. It excludes medicated products such as acne treatments. Market value is based on sales through all retail channels including direct to consumer. It includes mass market and prestige lines but excludes the professional sector, including beauty salons, to the consumer. Market size for Facial Care in China is given in CNY with a minimum of five years’ historical data. Market Forecast is provided for five years. Included with this snapshot is socio-economic data for China. Population, Consumer Price Index (CPI), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Exchange Rates.
Segmentation of this market
- Anti-ageing
- Cleansers/Toners
- Hydrating/Moisturising
- Masks
- Skin Whiteners & Lighteners
- Specialised
Compound annual growth rates
Socio-economic data
Market Size & Forecast
Table of Contents
Retail market size
- Highlights
- Figure 1: Value in Local Currency – Value (2016 – 2026)
- Figure 2: Value in Local Currency – Value growth (2016 – 2026)
- Table 1: Value in Local Currency (2016 – 2026)
- Figure 3: Value in USD – Value (2016 – 2026)
- Figure 4: Value in USD – Spend per capita (population) (2016 – 2026)
- Figure 5: Value in USD – Spend as a proportion of GDP (2016 – 2026)
- Figure 6: Value in USD – Value growth (2016 – 2026)
- Table 2: Value in USD (2016 – 2026)
Market Segmentations
- Figure 7: China – Facial Care: Retail market segmentation by value (bn CNY) (2019 – 2021)
- Table 3: China – Facial Care: Retail market segmentation by value (bn CNY) (2019 – 2021)
Market Shares
- Figure 8: China – Facial Care: Company retail market share by value (%) – 2020
- Figure 9: China – Facial Care: Company retail market share by value (%) – 2021
- Table 4: China – Facial Care: Company retail market share by value (%) (2020 – 2021)
Company & Brand details
- Table 5: China – Facial Care: Company Website Links
Compound annual growth rates
- Table 6: Retail market compound annual growth rates (2017 – 2026)
Socio-economic data
- Figure 10: Population (millions) (2018 – 2027)
- Table 7: Population (millions) (2018 – 2027)
- Figure 11: Consumer price index (CPI) (2018 – 2027)
- Table 8: Consumer price index (CPI) (2018 – 2027)
- Figure 12: Gross domestic product (tn USD) (2018 – 2027)
- Table 9: Gross domestic product (tn USD) (2018 – 2027)
- Figure 13: Exchange rates (2018 – 2027)
- Table 10: Exchange rates (2018 – 2027)
Sources of Data
About Mintel
About the report
Market size
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Market segmentation
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Market share
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Market forecast
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Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
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Socio-economic data
Benchmark against population, GDP, and CPI and create an overall illustration of market potential.
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Please Note: This is a sample report. All of the figures, graphs, and tables have been redacted. Databooks are available to download as an xls document.