France Supermarkets Market Report 2023
[{"name":"Food and Drink Retail","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/retail\/food-drink"}]
Inflation on food remains high, but savvy shopping is widespread. Discounters are thriving, but there are opportunities for retailers in own label and technology.Natalie Macmillan, European Analyst - Retail…
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France Supermarkets Market Report 2023

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Inflation on food remains high, but savvy shopping is widespread. Discounters are thriving, but there are opportunities for retailers in own label and technology.

Natalie Macmillan, European Analyst – Retail

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    • Key issues covered in this Report
  1. Executive Summary

    • Opportunities for supermarket retailers
    • Market dynamics and outlook
    • Graph 1: spending on food and drink, (including VAT), 2017-22
    • Graph 2: volume spending on food and drink, 2018-22
    • Graph 3: food retailers' sales (grocers and specialists combined), 2017-28
    • What consumers want and why
    • Graph 4: types of shopping trip by age group, 2023
    • Graph 5: France;most used grocery retailers, 2023 (net of primary and secondary shoppers)
    • Graph 6: trends in purchasing branded and own label food and drink, 2023
    • Graph 7: % agreeing that "loyalty/membership scheme promotions encourage me to shop with a different grocery retailer to the one I spend the most money with", 2023
    • Graph 8: numbers agreeing that "I would use a scan-and-pay service in a grocery store/retailer, by generation, 2023
    • Retailer activity
    • Graph 9: leading grocery retailers market shares, 2022
  2. Market Dynamics

    • Market size and forecast
    • Graph 10: consumer spending on food and drink (including VAT), 2019-23
    • Graph 11: spending on food and drink (value vs volume) 2014-22
    • Graph 12: all food retailers' sales (grocers and specialists combined), 2017-28
    • Macro-economic factors
    • Graph 13: inflation (HICP), monthly % change, 2022-23
  3. What Consumers Want and Why

    • Who shops for groceries and how shopping is done
    • Graph 14: responsibility for grocery shopping, 2023
    • Graph 15: types of shopping trip by age group, 2023
    • Where they shop
    • Graph 16: grocery retailer where most money is spent in a typical month, 2021-23
    • Graph 17: other grocery retailers shopped in a typical month, 2021-23
    • Graph 18: age demographics of shoppers at leading price-oriented grocery retailers (net of primary and secondary shoppers), 2023
    • Graph 19: financial situation of shoppers at selected grocery retailers (net of primary and secondary shoppers), 2023
    • Trends in purchasing of branded vs own-label products
    • Graph 20: spending levels compared to previous years, by product type, 2023
    • Attitudes towards grocery shopping
    • Graph 21: cost saving consumer behaviours when grocery shopping, 2023
    • Graph 22: influence of loyalty schemes on grocery shoppers by generation
    • Graph 23: interest in digital tools when grocery shopping, 2023
  4. Retailer Activity

    • Key metrics and market share
    • Graph 24: leading grocery retailers market shares, 2022
    • Online
    • Launch activity and innovation
  5. Appendix

    • Supplementary data – market dynamics
    • Report scope and definitions
    • Methodology
    • Sources

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