India Gen Z Attitudes towards Salty Snacks Market Report 2023
Innovating for Gen Z is key to success; they choose snacks over traditional meals, their loyalty skews towards flavour over brand and, while they want to snack healthily, they fail…

India Gen Z Attitudes towards Salty Snacks Market Report 2023

£ 2,195 (Excl.Tax)

Report Summary

Innovating for Gen Z is key to success; they choose snacks over traditional meals, their loyalty skews towards flavour over brand and, while they want to snack healthily, they fail to do so.

Tulsi Joshi, Senior Food & Drink Analyst, India

Table of Contents

  1. Executive summary

    • Key issues covered in this Report
    • Graph 1: top three factors that would encourage Gen Zs to choose one snack over another, any rank, 2023
    • Mintel predicts

    • Surging demand for convenience and value for money
    • Gen Zs are redefining health and wellness
    • Graph 2: how often Gen Zs eat healthily*, 2022
    • Graph 3: snack launches with select claims, 2021-23
    • Graph 4: snack launches with 'plus' claims, 2021-23
    • The K-cult goes mainstream
  3. What consumers want and Why

    • Graph 5: consumers who have snacked at select frequency in the last month, by generation, 2022
    • Graph 6: consumers who have snacked once a day or more in the last month, 2022
    • Graph 7: Gen Z consumers who consume snacks once a day or more, by city tier, 2023
    • Graph 8: Gen Z consumers who consume snacks more than once a day, by region, 2023
    • Snackification of meals
    • Graph 9: snack consumption occasions among Gen Zs, 2023
    • Graph 10: Gen Z consumers who have consumed snacks instead of breakfast, by city tier, 2023
    • Graph 11: Gen Z consumers who have consumed snacks as an accompaniment to breakfast, by region, 2023
    • Graph 12: agreement with select statements, 2021
    • Graph 13: Gen Z association of 'healthy' with snacking occasions, 2023
    • Types of snacks consumed
    • Graph 14: types of salty snacks consumed in the last month, among Gen Z, 2023
    • Graph 15: Gen Z consumers who consumed traditional salty snacks in the last month, by region, 2023
    • Graph 16: Gen Z consumers who consumed banana chips in the last month, by region, 2023
    • Graph 17: Gen Z consumers who consumed five or more salty snack types in the last month, by consumption frequency, 2023
    • Graph 18: consumers who consumed five or more snack types in the last month, by generation, 2023
    • Graph 19: total salty snacks launches, by sub-category, 2018-23
    • Graph 20: total salty snack launches, by sub-category, 2018-23
    • Graph 21: Gen Z consumers who consume select salty snack types, by consumption frequency, 2023
    • Encouraging factors for snack consumption
    • Graph 22: frequency of looking for a healthy product when choosing a snack, Gen Z, 2022
    • Graph 23: snack types consumed in the last month, by Gen Zs who look for healthy snacks all the time*, 2023
    • Graph 24: top three factors that would encourage Gen Zs to choose one snack over another (any rank), 2023
    • Graph 25: salty snack launches with select claims, 2020-22
    • Graph 26: salty snack launches with select claims, 2020-22
    • Graph 27: Gen Z consumers who select 'high/added protein' as the topmost factor encouraging them to choose one snack over another, by region, 2023
    • The flavour story
    • Graph 28: Gen Zs who agree with select statements, 2023
    • Graph 29: top three most encouraging factors to choose one snack over another (any ranking), Gen Z, 2023
    • Graph 30: Gen Z consumers' agreement that 'I stick to my favourite flavours when purchasing snacks', by city tier , 2023
    • Graph 31: consumers who rank 'hot and sweet' as one of their top-five preferred salty snack flavours (any rank), 2021
    • Graph 32: salty snack launches with chocolate flavour, 2020-22
  4. Appendix

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    Please Note: All of the figures, graphs, and tables have been redacted.

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