India Value-driven Consumption Consumer Report 2023
Attract budget-driven shoppers with private labels. Engage those looking for more than low prices with sustainability and functionality; stress brand heritage, safety and localism. Saptarshi Banerjee, Senior Research Analyst…

India Value-driven Consumption Consumer Report 2023

£ 2,195 (Excl.Tax)

Report Summary

Attract budget-driven shoppers with private labels. Engage those looking for more than low prices with sustainability and functionality; stress brand heritage, safety and localism.

Saptarshi Banerjee, Senior Research Analyst – Lifestyle, India

Table of Contents

  1. executive summary

    • Key issues covered in this Report
  2. key trends and market factors

    • Financial optimism drives value-based buying
    • Graph 1: consumer’s future financial sentiment*, 2020-23
    • Stricter budgets remain a priority
    • Graph 2: consumers’ current financial situation*, 2019-23
    • Sustainability: a must-have, not a mere hygiene factor
    • Graph 3: consumers attitudes towards surrounding*, 2021-23
  3. what consumers want and why

    • Graph 4: consumer attitudes towards spending, 2023
    • Blend sustainability with functionality to charm value-seekers
    • Graph 5: budget-driven shoppers vs value-seekers, by city tier, region and relationship status, 2023
    • Graph 6: consumers attitudes towards spending, value-seekers, 2023
    • Graph 7: environment-driven value-seekers vs functionality-driven value-seekers, by gender and age group, 2023
    • Graph 8: attributes that would encourage consumers to buy a product beyond just evaluating price, by value-seeking shoppers, 2023
    • Graph 9: consumer attitude towards personalised products, value-seeking shoppers, 2023
    • Ease budget strain with private label and home cooking
    • Graph 10: budget-conscious shoppers vs value-seekers, by city tier and parental status, 2023
    • Graph 11: consumer attitudes towards spending, budget-conscious shoppers and value-seekers. 2023
    • Graph 12: consumer actions with regards to their spend, budget-conscious shoppers and value-seekers, 2023
    • Graph 13: consumer actions with regards to spend, by gender, city tier and socio economic group, 2023
    • Graph 14: consumer actions with regards to spend, by age group, gender and city tier, 2023
    • Graph 15: consumer attitudes towards spending, budget-conscious shoppers and value-seekers, 2023
    • Brand heritage, safety and localisation are most-desired attributes
    • Graph 16: factors considered when purchasing products across categories beyond low price in the last three months, 2023
    • Graph 17: factors considered beyond low price when purchasing packaged food and drink in the last three months, 2023
    • Graph 18: most important factors other than price when buying packaged food and drinks, by financial situation, 2023
    • Graph 19: most important factors considered besides price when buying unpackaged fresh food, by city tier, 2023
    • Graph 20: factors beyond low price considered when purchasing unpackaged/loose fresh food in the last three months, 2023
    • Graph 21: factors beyond price considered when purchasing beauty and personal care products in the last three months, 2023
    • Graph 22: most important factors beyond price when buying beauty and personal care products, by gender and age group, 2023
  4. appendix

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Please Note: All of the figures, graphs, and tables have been redacted.

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