The Future of Animal Proteins and Meat Alternatives 2024
[{"name":"Meat Alternatives","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/food\/vegan-plant-based\/meat-alternatives"},{"name":"Meat and Fish","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/food\/meat-fish"}]
Plant-based meat alternatives will celebrate their inherent nutritional benefits while animal proteins can provide sustainable solutions to climate challenges. Megan Stanton, Director - Mintel Food and Drink…

The Future of Animal Proteins and Meat Alternatives 2024

 2,600 (Excl.Tax)

Report Summary

The Future of Animal Protein and Meat Alternatives is a market report that covers the latest innovations and consumer trends across the global protein and plant-based protein markets in 2024. Our global future of report identifies evolving areas, consumer attitudes, and important advances expected across regions like EMEA, APAC, and the Americas over the next five years and beyond.

Global Animal Protein and Meat Substitute Market Landscape

Times are tough for meat substitutes. Brands have endured a rollercoaster ride from their meteoric rise in 2018 to the profit warnings from big plant-based companies in 2023. Plant-based meat brands have a hard road back to consumer acceptance. Sustainability concerns continue to drive protein innovation, both animal-based and alternate protein brands are continuing to quantify efforts in this area, but consumers are still confused by broad terms like ‘sustainable fish’.

  • 37% of consumers in Germany agree eating less meat is a personal action that has the most positive impact on reducing greenhouse gases.

Global Protein Industry in the Next Two Years

Brands will need to play to the nutritional strengths of each protein. Rather than meat alternatives trying to mimic the nutritional content of meat, brands will celebrate the inherent nutrition of plant-forward options. Meanwhile, animal protein can do more to educate consumers that quality protein is important for healthy ageing.

As the cost-of-living crisis eases, there is potential for added-value protein products. Single-portion formats and fish as a ‘special occasion’ substitute will deliver value through convenience and premiumisation.

  • In Canada, 88% of fish/seafood eaters agree using fish/seafood instead of meat/poultry is a good way to ‘switch things up’ at dinner.

Animal Protein and Meat Alternatives Innovation in Five Years and Beyond

Regulatory approvals for the sale of cultivated meat in the US have advanced the likelihood of bringing it to market. However, the technical, cultural and economic challenges of scaling up production – together with the challenge of overcoming consumer skepticism – mean that ‘mainstreaming’ is still a decade away.

Artificial intelligence will play a role in innovation. AI is helping farmers and agribusinesses make real-time decisions on crops, soil health, climate mitigation, livestock efficiency and weather forecasts.

Purchase the full report for a complete analysis of the trends shaping the future of the animal protein and meat alternatives market. To learn more about the industry, take a look at Mintel’s A Year of Innovation in Meat and Poultry, or A Year of Innovation in Meat Substitutes and Eggs.

Expert Analysis from a Food Specialist

This report, written by Megan Stanton, a leading Food analyst, delivers in-depth commentary and analysis to highlight global protein industry trends and add expert context to the numbers.

Plant-based meat alternatives will celebrate their inherent nutritional benefits while animal proteins can provide sustainable solutions to climate challenges.

Megan Stanton
Director – Mintel Food and Drink

Table of Contents

  1. What you need to know

  2. in the next two years

    • Play to the nutritional strengths of each protein
    • Graph 1: select factors that would encourage buying of meat substitutes, 2022
    • Be the sustainable solution, not the planet problem
    • Graph 2: [no title]
    • Demonstrate how premium proteins deliver their own value
  3. In five years and beyond

    • Graph 3: willingness to try a processed meat made from cell-based meat, 2023
    • Graph 4: cell-based meat/dairy ingredients are a threat to the food culture of my country, 2023
    • Graph 5: consumer opinions on AI, 2023
  4. Key Takeaways

About the report

This market report provides in-depth analysis and insight supported by a range of data. At the same time, introductory and top-level content is provided to give you an overview of the issues covered.

The consumer

What They Want. Why They Want It.

The Competitors

Who’s Winning. How To Stay Ahead.

The Market

Size, Segments, Shares And Forecasts: How It All Adds Up.

The Innovations

New Ideas. New Products. New Potential.

The Opportunities

Where The White Space Is. How To Make It Yours.

The Trends

What’s Shaping Demand – Today And Tomorrow.

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Please Note: This is a sample report. All of the figures, graphs, and tables have been redacted. Our reports are available to download in PDF and PPT formats.

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