UK Private Label Household Care Consumer 2024
[{"name":"Cleaning Products","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/household-home\/cleaning-products"},{"name":"Private Label","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/retail\/private-label"}]
It is time for private label to think beyond just price and innovate with products, channels, and processes to build long-term consumer loyalty. Arpita Sharma, Global Household Analyst…

UK Private Label Household Care Consumer 2024

£ 2,195 (Excl.Tax)


Stay ahead of the curve and future-proof your business with Mintel’s UK Private Label Household Report 2024. Our full report is packed with consumer-led market intelligence, the latest market research, trends and consumer behaviours affecting your business. 

Below, we’ve handpicked the key insights analysed in the full report and summarised the core topics.

Topics Analysed in this Report

  • Factors that will drive the private label household market during financial uncertainties.
  • Launch activity in the past year and future innovation opportunities for private label household care brands.
  • Preference between branded and private label household products.
  • Retailers used for purchasing private label household products.
  • Reasons that shoppers buy private household care products
  • Behaviours and attitudes towards the private household market.

Private Label Household Market Outlook

Amid a cost of living crisis, the shift towards own-label can prove influential on perceptions of the retailer that shoppers decide to visit. Household care retailers that offer a wide range of products will be well-placed to capitalise on shoppers determined to find low-priced products without wanting to compromise.

  • Private label household products: 30% of consumers are purchasing more private label household products compared to last year.

Private Label Household Market Trends and Opportunities

Price isn’t the only driving factor

Whilst price tends to be the primary purchase driver for own-label products, product efficacy remains the top priority for household care consumers. Brands must recognise the importance of product performance as an attribute to attract and retain consumers for repeat purchases.

  • Consumer behaviour: 43% of consumers consider it important to get cleaning tasks done as quickly as possible.

Rising relevance of refill stations

When financial situations improve and consumers look for more than price, own-label can combine that reputation alongside bolder NPD such as own-label refill stations. In the long-term, these refill stations will help consumers to save money, in addition to maintaining sustainable, eco-conscious behaviours.

  • Market statistics: 81% of NPD launches in the household care sector claimed to have ‘environmentally friendly packaging’.

Purchase our UK Private Label Household Care Market Report to receive a five-year forecast, consumer behaviour analysis, and recommendations for market opportunities. Readers of this report may also be interested in our UK Cleaning in and Around the Home Market Report 2023, or our range of Household and Home Market Research.

Brands Featured in the Full Report

Aldi, M&S, Tesco, Lidl, Asda, Sainsbury’s, B&M, Morrisons, Boots, B&M.

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Expert Insights from a Household Analyst

This report, written by Arpita Sharma, a leading research analyst, delivers in-depth commentary and analysis to highlight trends in the private label household market and add expert context to the numbers.

It is time for private label to think beyond just price and innovate with products, channels, and processes to build long-term consumer loyalty.

Arpita Sharma
Global Household Analyst

Table of Contents

    • Key issues covered in this Report
  1. Executive Summary

    • Opportunities for private label household care players
    • Market dynamics and outlook
    • What consumers want and why
    • Graph 1: proportion of shoppers who buy own-label household care products most often, by category, 2018 and 2023
    • Graph 2: change in purchase of own-label products, by income, 2023
    • Graph 3: proportion of shoppers using the big four retailers and discount retailers to buy either branded or own-label household care products, 2018 and 2023
    • Graph 4: reasons for purchase of own-label household care products, by age group, 2023
    • Graph 5: behaviours towards own-label household care products, 2023
    • Innovation and marketing
    • Graph 6: share of own-label NPD in the household care sector, by category, 2019-23
    • Graph 7: own-label product launches in the household care sector, by leading claim categories, 2019-23
  2. Market Dynamics

    • Macro-economic factors
    • Graph 8: GDP, 2021-23
    • Graph 9: CPI inflation rate, 2021-23
    • Graph 10: The financial wellbeing index, 2016-23
    • Graph 11: the financial confidence index, 2016-23
    • Graph 12: expected behaviour changes as a result of rising prices, 2022-23
    • Behavioural and environmental factors
  3. What Consumers Want and Why

    • Responsibility for buying household care products
    • Graph 13: responsibility for buying household care products, 2018-23
    • Graph 14: responsibility for buying household care products, 2023
    • Graph 15: responsibility for buying household care products, by age and gender, 2023
    • Preference between branded and own-label for product types
    • Graph 16: type of household care product chosen most often by category, 2023
    • Graph 17: proportion of shoppers who choose own-label household care products most often, by category, 2018-23
    • Graph 18: proportion of shoppers who choose own-label household care products most often, by household income, 2023
    • Changes in purchase frequency of own-label household care products
    • Graph 19: change in purchase of own-label products, 2018-23
    • Graph 20: change in purchase of own-label products, by household income, 2023
    • Graph 21: change in purchase of own-label products, by any children in the household, 2023
    • Retailers shopped at for own-label products
    • Graph 22: retailers typically used to buy branded or own-label household care products, 2023
    • Graph 23: type of retailers typically used to buy branded or own-label household care products, 2023
    • Graph 24: retailers typically used to buy branded or own-label household care products, by household income, 2023
    • Graph 25: use of Amazon for grocery shops in a typical month, by age of children in household, 2023
    • Graph 26: use of Amazon for grocery shops in a typical month, by age group, 2023
    • Graph 27: shoppers who typically buy branded or own-label household care products from Amazon, by age group, 2023
    • Graph 28: shopper who typically buy branded or own-label household care products from Amazon, by age group, 2023
    • Graph 29: repertoire of the number of retailers that shoppers typically shop at for branded or own-label household care products, 2023
    • Reasons for purchasing own-label products
    • Graph 30: reasons for purchase of own-label household care products, 2023
    • Graph 31: reasons for purchase of own-label household care products, by age group, 2023
    • Graph 32: “quality is the same as brands” as a reason to purchase own-label household care products, by income, 2023
    • Graph 33: reasons for purchase of own-label household care products, by income, 2023
    • Behaviours towards own-label household care products
    • Graph 34: behaviours towards own-label household care products, 2023
    • Graph 35: consumers who look at reviews of own-label products before purchasing them, by age group, 2023
    • Attitudes towards own-label household care products
    • Graph 36: attitudes towards own-label household care products, 2023
    • Graph 37: attitude towards own-label product packaging, by income, 2023
  4. Innovation And Marketing Trends

    • Launch activity and innovation
    • Graph 38: share of own-label NPD in the household care sector by branded vs own-label, 2019-23
    • Graph 39: share of own-label NPD in the household care sector, by category, 2019-23
    • Graph 40: share of NPD in the household care sector, by category, by branded vs own-label, 2023
    • Graph 41: share of NPD in the household care sector, by launch type, 2019-23
    • Graph 42: share of NPD in the household care sector, by top companies, 2023
    • Graph 43: share of NPD in the household care sector, by leading claim categories, 2019-23
    • Graph 44: share of NPD in the household care sector, by leading claims, 2019-23
    • Graph 45: share of NPD in the household care sector, by leading claims (excluding ethical and environmental claims), 2019-23
  5. Appendix

    • Report scope and definitions
    • Methodology

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