US Trending Flavors and Ingredients in Desserts and Confections Market Report 2022
[{"name":"Desserts and Ice Cream","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/food\/desserts-ice-cream"}]
“Trust, familiarity and nostalgia which anchored strong sales in 2020 are still key assets to dessert and confection manufacturers, as desserts benefit from powerful sensorial associations as well as cultural…

US Trending Flavors and Ingredients in Desserts and Confections Market Report 2022

£ 3,695 (Excl.Tax)


This report provides comprehensive and current information and analysis of the trending flavors and ingredients in desserts and confections market including desserts and confections market size, anticipated market forecast, relevant market segmentation, and industry trends for the desserts and confections market in the US.

Current market landscape

Consumers are eating less dessert at home, thanks to a combination of increased away-from-home dining and an increased interest in healthier, functional foods. While nostalgic, childhood desserts and trusted, familiar brands are still popular with consumers, energizing the dessert and confections category will require integrating more innovation. Opportunities lie in a dual approach: First, nurturing the allegiance of Gen X and older, who still enjoy traditional ice creams, pies and pastries; second, rolling out more expansive flavors, layered textures, international ingredients and functional desserts to appeal to Gen Z and Millennials. The latter often head larger households and, as parents, seek desserts for pleasure, indulgence and energy, as well as in relation to community, connection and celebration. Connecting flavors and formats to experiential pleasures and personal identity, and using social media, packaging and promotion, can also help engage consumers.

Market share and key industry trends

After sales rose sharply for at-home confectionary, ice cream, dessert and baked goods during pandemic lockdowns in 2020, consumers again returned to restaurants, spending more of their budget on away-from-home food purchases in 2021. At-home dessert consumption thus fell. This trend is projected to continue in 2022, and a reduction in at-home baking as well as more healthful eating trends are also predicted to drive modest sales growth. Opportunities lie in diversifying formats, textures and tastes, especially finding ways to balance nostalgic tastes and more inventive ones. A challenge, however, may be recessionary pressures, especially if inflation continues to rise and more households find themselves on tight budgets. This may create challenges for premium products both at home and in restaurants. It may however create opportunity for more affordable desserts, including more at-home recipes.

Future market trends in desserts and confections

Inflation and other broad economic, environmental and wellness concerns are becoming critical factors shaping the dessert and confection landscape, both at home and away from home. Wider ingredient sourcing and sustainability are likely to become more key considerations, closely connected to a sense of how desserts can bring pleasure while also supporting holistic wellbeing.

Read on to discover more about the trending flavors and ingredients in desserts and confections consumer market, read our US Gum, Mints and Breath Fresheners Market Report 2019, or take a look at our other Confectionery research reports.

Quickly understand

  • Consumer experience and interest in familiar brands and nostalgic tastes, as well as trending dessert and confection flavors in product launches and as menu items.
  • Consumer associations with premium desserts and insights into what motivates them to try new flavors.
  • Significant dessert and confection product development and marketing opportunities.
  • Preferred textures by dessert and confection type.
  • Attitudes and behaviors towards both primary and secondary dessert and confection flavors.

Covered in this flavors and ingredients in desserts and confections market report

Brands include: Hershey’s, Screamin’ Sicilian, Sugarfina, Oreo, Ben & Jerry’s, Keebler Chips, Reese’s, Cheesecake Factory, Blazing Onion, Friendly’s, Hostess, Great Value, Dreyer’s, Nightfood, Sweetkiwi, Know Brainer, Trader Joe’s, Lindt, BHU Foods, Wicked Kitchen, Madegood, Naim, Lenny & Larry’s, Belmont, Benton’s Upcycled Cookies, Moodibars, SE Grocers Prestige, Nabisco, Benton’s, Pocket Latte, Awake Caffeinated, Yuki & Love, Nestlé, La Newyorkina, Chuao, Pappasito’s Cantina, Pollo Tropical, Antique Taco’s Abuelita, Yogurt Land, CD Food Company, Thanh Huong, Goldilocks, Eat Me Guilt Free, Tone It Up.

Expert analysis from a specialist in the field

This report, written by Michele Scott, a leading analyst in the Food and Drink sector, delivers in-depth commentary and analysis on flavors and ingredients in desserts and confections market research to highlight current trends and add expert context to the numbers.

Trust, familiarity and nostalgia which anchored strong sales in 2020 are still key assets to dessert and confection manufacturers, as desserts benefit from powerful sensorial associations as well as cultural ones. However, consumers – especially Gen Z and Millennials – are also looking for more flavor innovation, healthfulness, functionality and, in a context of rising inflation, value, from desserts and confections. Balancing continuity and change for different consumer groups and taking inspiration from diverse sources can all help invigorate the category.
Michele Scott, Senior Analyst
Michele Scott
Associate Director of Food and Drink

Table of Contents

  1. Overview

    • What you need to know
      • Key issues covered in this Report
        • Definition
          • Market context
          • Executive Summary

              • Top takeaways
                • Market overview
                  • Figure 1: Total US sales of select desserts and confections, in billions of dollars, at constant 2021 prices, 2019-22
                • Category outlook
                  • Figure 2: Category outlook, 2022-27
                • Opportunities and challenges
                  • Trended three-year consumer findings show core challenges for the dessert category.
                    • Figure 3: Dessert and confection consumption, 2020-22
                  • Consumers value nostalgic tastes and familiar brands
                    • Figure 4: Dessert and confection attitudes and behaviors, 2021
                  • Diverse motivators for new flavor trial suggests many entry points to engage consumers
                    • Figure 5: motivators for trying a new flavor in a dessert or confection, by generation, 2022
                  • Many are interested in trying new flavors, including exotic and international ones
                    • Figure 6: Experience and interest in secondary, international dessert and confection flavors, part I, by generation, 2022
                • State of the Market

                  • Following pandemic sales peak, growth falls
                    • Figure 7: Total US sales of select desserts and confections, in billions of dollars, at constant 2021 prices, 2019-22
                • Trends in GNPD Launch Activity and Menu Insight Dessert Items

                  • New launch activity peaked in 2019-20 in dessert categories
                    • Figure 8: GNPD product launch activity, by dessert/confectionary category, rolling years 2019-22
                  • Launches tracked by flavor, shows innovation in fruits and dessert flavors
                    • Figure 9: GNPD product launch activity, by flavor sub-category, rolling years 2019-22
                  • Dessert offerings on menus plummet in 2021, but rebound in 2022
                    • Figure 10: Unique dessert menu items by time period for Q1 from 2019-22
                  • Some categories show steeper drops in 2021 and faster rebounds in 2022
                    • Figure 11: Unique dessert menu items for ice cream, cakes and cookies, by time period for Q1 from 2019-22
                    • Figure 12: Unique dessert menu items for donuts, pies, cheesecake and custard, by time period for Q1 from 2019-22
                    • Figure 13: Unique dessert menu items for brownies, sorbet and tarts, by time period for Q1 from 2019-22
                  • In dessert flavors, caramel and coffee have strong menu showing in 2022
                    • Figure 14: Unique dessert menu items by leading flavors, by time period for Q1 from 2019-22
                    • Figure 15: Unique dessert menu items by secondary flavors, by time period for Q1 from 2019-22
                • Market Factors

                  • In June 2022, concern about inflation outstrips concern over COVID-19
                    • Consumers return to restaurants and eat more desserts away from home
                      • Figure 16: Monthly sales of food at home (FAH) and food away from home (FAFH), millions of dollars, 2019-22
                    • Tightening consumer budgets may lead to cutting back on desserts
                      • Figure 17: Financial health, June-July 2020 and June-July 2021 and June-July 2022
                      • Figure 18: Disposable personal income, percent change from previous period, 2010-22
                      • Figure 19: US consumer confidence, 2010-22
                    • Plant-based options may offer benefits in price, health, sustainability
                    • Competitive Strategies and Market Opportunities

                      • Nostalgic flavors can ground innovation in post-pandemic landscape
                        • Figure 20: GNPD launches in desserts and confections from July 2019-June 2022, share of launches with select nostalgic flavors
                      • Dessert tastes and flavors evoke identity, community and celebration
                        • More functional ingredients for BFY desserts supporting holistic wellness
                          • Sustainability, plant-based and earth-friendly ingredients
                            • Figure 21: GNPD launches in desserts and confections from July 2019-June 2022, share of launches with claims related to suitable for, free from, natural and ethical/environmental claims
                          • Coffee is sought-after dessert flavor and functional ingredient
                            • Figure 22: GNPD launches with coffee flavor in desserts and confections from July 2019-June 2022, share of launches
                            • Figure 23: Ben & Jerry’s Change is Brewing, 2022
                            • Figure 24: GNPD launches with tea flavor in desserts and confections from July 2019-June 2022, share of launches
                          • International tastes and spicy foods appeal to Millennials and Gen Z
                            • Figure 25: GNPD launches with select international ingredients and spices in desserts and confections from July 2019-June 2022, share of launches
                          • Latin cuisine with sweet creams, chilies, mango, cayenne, cinnamon
                            • Asian cuisine with matcha tea, tropical fruits, ube, taro, tamarind and red bean
                            • The Consumer – Key Takeaways

                              • Generation has a significant impact on dessert choice
                                • Consumers cherish familiarity and nostalgic tastes
                                  • Premium associated with fresh preparation, unique flavors, national brands
                                    • Recommendations, packaging, and limited-time offers drive flavor trial
                                      • Creamy and silky/smooth lead as dominant textures
                                        • Nostaligia, indulgence, define favorite flavors
                                        • Dessert and Confections Consumed

                                          • Cookies, chocolate and non-chocolate candy lead
                                            • Figure 26: Dessert and confection consumption, 2020-22
                                          • Women seek a greater number and range of desserts
                                            • Figure 27: Dessert and confection consumption, by gender, 2022
                                          • Gen Z favors candy and brownies, as Millennials and older generations embrace a wider range of desserts
                                              • Figure 28: Dessert and confection consumption, by generation, 2022
                                            • Parents embrace more desserts, especially pastries, cakes and candies
                                              • Figure 29: Dessert and confection consumption, by parental status, 2022
                                          • Dessert and Confection Attitudes and Behaviors

                                            • Familiarity and nostalgia are vital, even as a base to grow innovation
                                              • Figure 30: Dessert and confection attitudes and behaviors, 2022
                                            • Maximize appeal to Millennials with new twists on familiar, nostalgic tastes
                                              • Figure 31: Dessert and confection attitudes and behaviors, by generation, 2022
                                            • Parents seek to share childhood tastes
                                              • Figure 32: Dessert and confection attitudes and behaviors, by parental status, 2022
                                            • Flavor seekers also want nostalgia and familiar tastes
                                              • Figure 33: Dessert and confection attitudes and behaviors, by select flavor segments, 2022
                                          • Associations with Premium Desserts and Confections

                                            • For premium, fresh preparation, unique flavors and national brands lead
                                              • Figure 34: qualities associated with premium desserts/confections, 2022
                                            • Textures, appearance and BFY ingredients read premium to younger gens
                                              • Figure 35: qualities associated with premium desserts/confections, by generation, 2022
                                          • Motivations and Resources for Seeking New Flavors

                                            • Advice of friends/family and appearance most likely to drive new flavor trial
                                              • Figure 36: motivators for trying a new flavor in a dessert or confection, 2022
                                            • Women, more engaged in flavor, look to range of sources for inspiration
                                              • Figure 37: Motivators for trying a new flavor in a dessert or confection, by gender, 2022
                                            • Inspire younger gens with social media, international tastes, BFY options
                                              • Figure 38: Motivators for trying a new flavor in a dessert or confection, by generation, 2022
                                            • Flavor Seekers want seasonal offers, adventurers value international tastes
                                              • Figure 39: Motivators for trying a new flavor in a dessert or confection, by consumer segment, 2022
                                          • Preferred Dessert and Confection Textures

                                            • Creamy, silky/smooth textures provide core base for other variations
                                              • Figure 40: Preferred dessert and confection textures, 2022
                                            • Creamy, silky, whipped and fluffy textures appeal to women
                                              • Figure 41: Preferred dessert and confection textures, by gender, 2022
                                            • Smooth, creamy textures are dominant for older consumers
                                              • Figure 42: Preferred dessert and confection textures, by generation, 2022
                                          • Experience and Interest in Primary Dessert and Confection Flavors

                                            • Cheesecake, birthday cake and cookie dough top traditional flavors
                                              • Figure 43: Experience with and interest in primary dessert and confection flavors, 2022
                                            • Millennials and Gen Z ready for more innovative primary flavors
                                              • Figure 44: Experience with and interest in select primary dessert and confection flavors, part II, by generation, 2022
                                          • Experience and Interest in Secondary Dessert and Confection Flavors

                                            • Consumers open to more exotic fruits, unusual spice and tres leches
                                              • Figure 45: Experience with and interest in select primary dessert and confection flavors, 2022
                                            • Gen Z and Millennials are prime for more secondary ingredients in desserts
                                              • Figure 46: Experience with and interest in secondary dessert and confection flavors, by generation, 2022
                                          • Appendix – Data Sources and Abbreviations

                                            • Data sources
                                              • Sales data
                                                • Consumer survey data
                                                  • Abbreviations and terms
                                                    • Abbreviations
                                                    • Appendix – Consumer Segmentation Methodology

                                                      • Flavor and ingredient consumer segmentation
                                                        • Segments
                                                          • Factors
                                                            • Who are they and what do they want?
                                                              • Figure 47: Flavor and ingredient consumer segments, share of total survey population, 2022
                                                            • Tried and True
                                                              • Flavor Seekers
                                                                • Occasional Adventurers
                                                                  • Out and Abouts

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