intimate hygiene

Intimate Hygiene

Mintel’s Intimate Hygiene market research combines the latest market intelligence, industry insights and expert recommendations to help you anticipate what’s next in the Intimate Hygiene industry.

Our reports can help you:

Understand your market
Identify growth opportunities
Recognize future trends

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    Tailored solutions, inspiring brand action and long-term vision will help absorbent hygiene brands promote spending and bond with diverse audiences. A Mintel Analyst, Global Analyst ..."
    Consumers are engaging with the category in new ways, but need guidance from brands. Educate and empower to validate claims and meet evolving demands. Rebecca Watters, Associate Director..."
    Innovations are aligning with empowerment, wellness and eco-friendly trends, and continue to destigmatise menstruation and incontinence. Dionne Officer, Research Analyst – BPC Innovation ..."
    Affordability and wellness are short-term priorities. Looking further ahead, the category will integrate diagnostics while pursuing alternative supply chains. Jamie Rosenberg, Associate Director, Global Household and Personal Care ..."