life stages

Life Stages

Mintel’s Life Stages market research combines the latest consumer and market intelligence, industry insights and expert recommendations to provide detailed data and analysis on consumer life stages, so you know exactly what your audience is interested in.

Our reports can help you:

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    Marketing to Hispanic moms goes beyond traditional parenting themes. They seek support in family management and self-care that require a nuanced approach. Stefanie Kundakjian, Research Analyst ..."
    Evaluating the consumption patterns, behaviors and attitudes toward the beauty and personal care industry with a focus on women 40+. Carson Kitzmiller, Senior Analyst, Beauty & Personal Care ..."
    Marketing to moms must expand beyond themes of child rearing. Moms want support across a wider range of needs, including life management and self-care. Fiona O'Donnell, Senior Director..."
    Families haven’t been dissuaded from traveling despite elevated prices. Yet, they still need help from brands to streamline planning and create itineraries for all. Mike Gallinari, Travel &..."
    “Asian moms may seem to have it all: they are on average more affluent, more educated and more likely to be living with a spouse than other moms...."
    “Who doesn’t want to make their children happy? Parents across the nation are willing to spend what it takes. Between tech for school, tech for fun and a..."
    “The types of activities and experiences families can enjoy together continue to evolve thanks to emerging technology and immersive in-person offerings. That said, at the core, it’s all..."
    “The MICE travel industry is on the brink of full recovery from the pandemic, but that isn’t to say it the same. Remote working has further blurred the..."
    “With the COVID-19 pandemic in the rear view mirror, consumers are venturing back to in-person school and work. Commuting has returned to normal. Or perhaps the new normal?..."
    “College spending comprises two thirds of the total back to school market, driven by extensive needs for school. Overall, students are enthusiastic consumers who are eager to assert..."
    “Back to school season is an essential shopping occasion for families and one that sets the tone for the rest of the year in retail. In recent years,..."
    “Two thirds of parents of toddlers/preschoolers say keeping their kids entertained is challenging. This comes on top of the core parental challenges of health, safety, food and education...."
    “Hispanic moms are striving to balance their careers and their caregiving responsibilities, but oftentimes this means putting the needs of others before their own to the point of..."
    “Parents are active and engaged online shoppers, turning to the convenience of ecommerce to save time and simplify their responsibilities. In the short term, parents are prioritizing value..."
    “There’s a false sense that the ball is in the workers’ court. Record low unemployment, job switching that’s led to salary increases and unprecedented work flexibility provides a..."
    “Most moms put the needs of others before their own. This presents opportunities for brands to encourage moms to take moments for themselves and practice self-care so they..."