Vacation Booking

Mintel’s Vacation Booking market research combines the latest market intelligence, industry insights and expert recommendations to help you anticipate what’s next in the Vacation Booking industry.

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    Travelers are back to booking trips closer to vacation time. Booking platforms must provide the most convenient, personalized and seamless experience that they can. Mike Gallinari, Senior Travel..."
    “Americans are even more keen to travel in 2023 than they were last year, but their planning decisions are being guided by anxiety at least as much as..."
    “Travel is recovering, and with it, the booking industry. In fact, some trends present pre-pandemic were undeterred by the pandemic, as booking windows remain short and mobile platforms..."
    “In 2022, there will be fewer consumer-driven barriers to travel. That is to say, Americans really, really want to take vacations again, and their limitations on doing so..."