
Encapsulation patent filings describe technologies to preserve and deliver concentrated active ingredients to the skin to maximize benefits.

David Tyrrell, Associate Director, Global Skincare

Table of Contents


  2. Product innovation trends

    • [Graph] Leading facial care markets: new facial care launches with encapsulated* in product description, by market, May 2017-Apr 2020
  3. Patent landscape

    • [Graph] Global: patent families of ingredient encapsulation,* by year, 2010-19
    • [Graph] Global: top ten organizations with encapsulated ingredient technologies,* February 2020
  4. encapsulated ingredient compositions

    • [Graph] Global: new facial care encapsulated* launches with retinoid ingredient, May 2017-Apr 2020
  5. future perspectives

  6. appendix

About the report

This report will give you early indications of market movements by using patent analysis as a predictor of emerging ingredients and technology trends, innovations and applications. Built on a combination of Ciper’s powerful artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities and Mintel’s expertise in market intelligence, this report will identify untapped opportunities and help you understand:

The Consumer

What They Want. Why They Want It.

The Innovations

New Ideas. New Products. New Potential.

The Trends

What’s Shaping Demand – Today And Tomorrow.

The Opportunities

Where The White Space Is. How To Make It Yours.

Below is a sample report, understand what you are buying.

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Please Note: This is a sample report. All of the figures, graphs, and tables have been redacted. Our reports are available to download in PDF and PPT formats.

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