Report Summary

Diverse cuisines will spark innovation in baby food, as parents seek a balance between technology and natural ingredients in baby food and formula.

Jolene Ng, Senior Food and Drink Analyst

Table of Contents

  1. What you need to know

    • Where we are now
    • In the next two years
    • In five years and beyond
  2. In the next two years

    • Mintel’s perspective
  3. Immunity support will be a key benefit

    • Parents are now prioritising immunity over brain and bone health
    • Childcare is increasing exposure to pathogens
    • Graph 1: percentage of children aged less than 3 years in formal childcare, 2005-23
    • Increase the range of microminerals to enhance immunity support
    • Graph 2: Global, % of baby foods** launches with common immunity related ingredients, 2019-24
    • Graph 3: Global, % of baby milk* launches with select immunity-related ingredients, 2019-24
    • Help overwhelmed parents understand the benefits of immunity-boosting nutrients
    • Baby food can take a cue from baby milk in highlighting immunity-boosting benefits
  4. expose kids to Diverse cuisine from a young age

    • The rise in cultural diversity is an opportunity to expose babies to different cuisines
    • Diverse cuisines can help reduce picky eating habits in the long term
    • Encourage innovative cuisine mash-ups
    • Plant-forward fusion baby food will be a growing strategy
  5. Help consumers balance technology and naturalness

    • The future of baby food and milk is about balancing whole and processed food
    • Graph 4: attitude towards nutrient fortification in infant milk formula, by baby aged 0-3, 2022
    • Opportunities exists for both tech-forward and natural baby food and milk formula
    • Leverage ‘grass-fed’ to convey naturalness and quality
    • Play to the strengths of processing techniques
    • Bioengineering may lead to more HMOs in infant formula
    • Technological advancements will drive formula composition closer to breast milk
  6. in five years and beyond

    • Mintel’s perspective
    • Water insecurity will impact baby food and milk formula
    • Graph 5: concern about water shortages as an environmental issue, 2022
    • Baby food and infant formula will need to step up water stewardship
    • Technology will provide solutions for pre-term infants and those with allergies
    • Precision fermentation advancements enable tailored nutrition catering to the specific requirements of infants
    • Plant-based infant formula has a promising future among Gen Z parents
    • Graph 6: milk based type purchased, by generation, 2023
    • Advancement of plant-based HMOs is set to revolutionise the category
    • Key takeaways

About the report

This market report provides in-depth analysis and insight supported by a range of data. At the same time, introductory and top-level content is provided to give you an overview of the issues covered.

The consumer

What They Want. Why They Want It.

The Competitors

Who’s Winning. How To Stay Ahead.

The Market

Size, Segments, Shares And Forecasts: How It All Adds Up.

The Innovations

New Ideas. New Products. New Potential.

The Opportunities

Where The White Space Is. How To Make It Yours.

The Trends

What’s Shaping Demand – Today And Tomorrow.

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