The Future of Dairy and Non-Dairy 2023 is a global market report that covers the latest innovations and consumer trends across the global dairy market in 2023. Our global future of dairy and non-dairy market report identifies evolving areas, consumer attitudes, and important advances expected across regions like EMEA, APAC, and LATAM over the next five years and beyond.


Global Dairy Market Landscape

Inflation and supply chain challenges have pushed up prices in the global dairy market. Tighter household budgets are inevitably leading to increased scrutiny of shopping baskets and savvier shopping habits. While milk is a staple for many consumers, brands need to prove their value to maintain appeal. A focus on core nutritional qualities, coupled with functional benefits and strong ethical and sustainability credentials are needed to secure a profitable future of dairy and non-dairy products.

  • 56% of US buyers of dairy and non-dairy milk want brands to lead with the benefits over the ingredients.
  • 55% of Thai adults are interested in trying milk products that support brain health (e.g. focus, memory).

Global Dairy Market Trends in the Next Two Years

Winning brands in the global dairy market will justify their place with products that are better for humans and the planet. The future of dairy and non-dairy drinks will be influenced by brands that will explore new functional horizons, including cognitive health, and tap into the appeal of athleisure to sell milk for active adults and kids.

  • 63% of Chinese parents of 7-12-year-olds say their kids did more outdoor leisure activities since the Double Reduction policy.
  • 39% of French milk consumers are interested in dairy drinks designed to help them achieve their fitness goals.

Global Dairy and Non-Dairy Market Trends in Five Years and Beyond

The future of non-dairy drinks is slowly but surely gaining ground. The next decade will also see more widespread use of eco-labels, which offer shoppers more transparency about the environmental impact of products. Meanwhile, more-equitable access to nutrition for consumers will become a focal point for ethical companies and Mintel’ expects that there will be a shift toward community-led solutions in the global diary market.

To discover more about The Future of Dairy and Non-Dairy Market Report 2023, read The Future of Ingredients Report 2023or take a look at our extensive Global Drinks Market Research.

Expert Analysis from a Drinks Specialist

This report, written by Julia Buech a leading analyst, delivers in-depth commentary and analysis to highlight current global dairy market trends and add expert context to the numbers.

Secure a profitable future by leading with functional benefits and strong eco credentials.

Julia Buech
Global Food & Drink Analyst

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  1. where we are now

    • Graph 1: non-dairy milk launches, as % of total dairy/non-dairy milk launches, 2018-22
  2. in the next two years

    • 'Better-for-us' nutrition
    • Graph 2: plant-based drinks vs dairy drinks**, featuring carbon-neutral claims, 2022
    • New functional horizons
    • Milk for athleisure
  3. in five years and beyond

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